Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My name is Jennika, and I love TV.

I am good at it and passionate about it. Some people listen to music, others read books; I TV (verb. note it.). Television is everything life should be--exciting, passionate, tragic, elating--only prettier and more satisfying. If you are reading this, you probably already know about my hobby (my mother calls it an "obsession", but I'm not really a kettle and she's not really a pot, so we'll let that go). I don't try to hide it or mask it or dilute it. That's who I am, and that's what I care about (or was that brake pads?).

So, I'm starting this blog for three very distinct reasons:

1) to chronicle my television watching and to keep my ever-growing list of shows straight in my own head (excel spreadsheets be damned!);

2) to demonstrate my illustrious TV watching skillz (yeah, I just read that and won’t be using it again, apologies) to those who have any doubt as to whether or not I can actually watch as much TV as I say I do; and

3) to issue a challenge to myself: I am setting a goal of watching 67 current shows at a given time. Why 67, you ask? Well, I like prime numbers, for one thing. Second, when I came up with this challenge, I was already at 39 shows and that was without even putting in the effort (so anything in the 50s and definitely 40s was out). And third, the title “Channel 61” was already taken out here in blog-land.

And thus, “Channel 67” was born.

Here is my current list of shows that I watch:

30 Rock, Big Bang Theory, Big Love, Bones, Burn Notice, The Closer, Criminal Minds, CSI: NY, Dollhouse, Drop Dead Diva, Eureka, Fringe, Greek, Grey's Anatomy, House, HIMYM, L&O, L&O: SVU, Legend of the Seeker, Leverage, Lie to Me, Lost, Mad Men, Medium, The Mentalist, NAOC, NCIS, Numb3rs, Nurse Jackie, Private Practice, Project Runway, Psych, Royal Pains, Sanctuary, Secret Life, Supernatural, United States of Tara, Warehouse 13.

Now, a little bit of a clarification. My definition of the word “watch” might be a little different from yours. I will not go out and watch one episode of 67 different shows and count myself as done (lying to yourself is so much less fun—and less funny—than lying to other people). First, to qualify for the list, I need to have seen every episode of a show (none of this starting in the middle of season 3 crap), most recent episode notwithstanding—with so many shows on the list, I can sometimes get a little behind. Also, since a lot of my shows are head-to-head on the schedule, and I do have some semblance of a social life, I often don’t watch TV when it’s actually on. Second, for a show to make the list, I have to actually take it seriously; this means that I rarely include cartoons (yes, I do watch The Simpsons) or reality shows (save PR) and ABC Family shows need to be in at least their second season. Finally, I have to want to watch the show. Seems obvious, I know, but it is particularly important for the new season—no shows will make the list until I am sure that I want to continue watching indefinitely (Melrose Place, I’m looking at you!).

That’s all for my Jennika *hearts* TV primer.

A few final notes: this blog is to be my companion throughout my personal journey to #67; all are welcome for the ride, but this is about me (anyone surprised?). If you are looking for a scene-by-scene recap of any given show, this is not the place (that might be a lie). And everyone remember, I have a shitty attention span (it’s a chicken/egg thing with the TV watching), and will most likely abandon this blog to the ‘verse within the month.

Happy Watching


P.S. A couple (fairly obvious) things about my writing style: as you can probably tell (given that it is the premise of this blog), I like lists; lists of threes are even better. Next, I have an affinity for semi-colons (;) and exclamation points (!) (and parentheses). Finally, I tend to write the way I talk, and while I take pains to be as grammatically correct as I can be, sometimes I make up words, and you are going to have to live with that.